Thank you for your interest in volunteering to decorate the SPTOR float. It is truly a rewarding experience to watch a float you helped create proudly turn the corner on to Colorado Boulevard on New Year’s Day.
If you are a first time decorator, you will get a glimpse of the long hours and dedication put into each float, as well as the wonderful memories of working with the community to create a work of art.
New comers and old-timers alike are welcome to join the decoration effort. Before you do so, please review the rules and guideline to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience for all.
Volunteer sign-ups for the 2026 float will open in Fall 2025. Stay tuned!
Decorator Rules and Guidelines
Breaking any of these rules will result in the individual(s) being asked to leave the site. If under age, a parent/guardian will be called.
All volunteers must complete a Medical Release Form. Every minor must have a parent/guardian signed form. Please complete the form prior to your arrival and bring a printed copy with you to the float site. Only printed copies are acceptable.
Age Requirements/Restrictions
How to Pre-Register to Volunteer
We begin decorating in the fall, culminating in "Deco Week" December 26th-30th.
Volunteers are welcome to join at any shift for walk-up, first-come spots, but we also take advanced sign-ups to ensure you can help at your desired time. Advanced sign-up is especially encouraged for larger groups. Please use the sign-up link below.
We award service hours for time worked. Please ask the volunteer sign-in staff to complete your form.
Contact if you have any questions or concerns.
South Pasadena Tournament of Roses
The oldest self-built float in the rose parade
Copyright 2013. South Pasadena Tournament of Roses. All Rights Reserved.